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  1. 安卓 2025免费科学方法上网

    Dear users,

    We have recently switched to the bigger thumbnails for the search previews.
    Have you noticed this? Do you like this?


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  2. 安卓 2025免费科学方法上网

    Thanks for this service!

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  3. What are the most hurting things on the site?

    Dear friends!
    Please share your opinion with site developers team.
    What's hurting you on the site?
    Especially we'd like to know your thoughts about search results quality.

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  4. HD filter added - post your feedback!

    Dear users!

    We have added HD filter!

    If you select HD filter option, you will see only HD videos (at the index page and when you search the Nude Vista).

    You may access the filter from the Preferences or from the top menu near the search box.

    Please, post your feedback. If you find sites that are tagged incorrectly, please report them to us.

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  5. New tube to add to search range!

    ClipHunter has gone from being your competitor to hosting and restricting searches to its own clips, many of which are high quality. Could you add it to your search range? Thanks!

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  6. 安卓 2025免费科学方法上网

    Yeah, we know, the part of links in the index is dead. We need to know the value of this problem.

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    started 电脑ssr设置方法 AdminNudevista Support (Product Manager, nudevista) responded

    The problem partially solved. Let me know if dead link still hurt you

  7. Better category organization!

    I enjoy that you have a large video database, but the videos aren't organized all that well. You can search up by name, but categories is another story.

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  8. We have renovated Nudevista. Do you like new look?

    Please post your comments on the new look of Nudevista.

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  9. 面向小白的SSR搭建教程(三)如何在Windows/Linux ...:2021-4-28 · 面向小白的SSR搭建教程系列文章已经全部更新完毕,链接地址如下:面向小白的SSR搭建教程(一) 前言&VPS选择与购买面向小白的SSR搭建教程(二) 服务器远程管理&SSR部署&BBR部署面向小白的SSR搭建教程(三)如何在Windows/Linux ...

    Alongside favourites you need to be able to select viewed items and set them to "viewed - do not return in future searches" so when you search for particular content you don't have to wade through what you have seen before and do not need to see again.

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    planned  ·  win10搭建ssrNudevista Support (Product Manager, nudevista) responded

    Thanks for your votes!

    We have planned to add this option, though I don’t have exact dates yet.
    You will be able to watch the history logs of your visits and do not visit the same videos again (when you don’t want it).
    This option will be available for only registered users.

  10. Rape and incest

    These tubes aren't working

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  11. 安卓 2025免费科学方法上网

    Would you like to add a safe search on the site?
    I browse your site from the work and don't wish my boss will know what kind of porn I like.

    For example Google already provide this feature for registered users. They use a http://

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    under review  ·  AdminNudevista Support (Product Manager, nudevista) responded

    We see that the idea got some support.

    Though, adding the HTTPS doesn’t completely solves the safe search issue.

    If we will add HTTPS:// on the site, it won’t be possible to see what you have looked for on NudeVista, but all outgoing links will still be accessible in the logs, unfortunately.

    For example, the logs of your activity for usual non-safe HTTP:// protocol:

    The same acitivity under HTTPS:// (safe search) will look like this:

    Keeping these things in mind, we find this HTTPS function kind of useless, because it’s still possible to find what you are watching on the tube sites that we are linking to.

    If you have other considerations, please let us know!

  12. add recommendations based on favorites

    Logged-in users can store favorites and all videos are already tagged. Since you have a 'favorites' table of user ID - video ID, simply join tables on video ID - tag ID and group by tag ID, then display in descending order of tag ID count. Once you have this count of most-favorited tags for each user, you can run a search based on multiple tags (like the existing t=blondes&t=facial and so on, but a little more complex).

    Instead of simply returning all videos with these tags (which would be too many results), your search results should be ordered by…

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    win10搭建ssr  ·  Adminwin10搭建ssr (Product Manager, nudevista) responded

    Thanks, it’s nice idea. We’ll try to realize it in future!

  13. New filters menu - Post your feedback!

    Dear users!

    We have improved the filters menu.

    Now, you can adjust the duration of the video right from the search page! The settings are saved automatically until you change or reset it.

    Also, you may change the category (like before), change background color, add the filter of popularity.

    Do you like our new menu for the filters? What do you want to see there in future?

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  14. Windows RabbitMq 环境搭建 新手入门教程_Bnana博客 ...:2021-6-14 · Windows RabbitMq 安装 使用教程简介消息中间件文章导读erlang 安装rabbit Mq 安装rabbit Mq 配置安装erlang 安装OTP 23.0 Windows 64位 下载地址下载完打开安装包 ——下一步安装rabbitMq 安装下一步安装查看 RabbitMq 是否安装成功环境变量 ...

    Dear users!

    Meet one more improvement - advanced search tool.
    教程windows_腾讯云 windows 教程_ssr windows设置教程 ...:很多人在使用 windows 服务器搭建网站,windows 服务器版自带的 iis 和 asp、php 建站环境搭建起来比较麻烦,于是就有了伡多第三方软件。 魏艾斯博客曾经介绍过宝塔网站助手、快云小助手、护卫神主机大师、phpstudy、西部数据网站管理助手和 windows 自带 iis 环境搭建的教程。

    You may do the advanced search with this tool, or learn the commands and use them in your searches across the site.

    For example, use quotes to search for the exact phrase, or use the minus sign before the word to exclude the words from your search.

    Also, there is new feature called "in-line preferences", you may use some search commands without changing your global permanent settings.

    You may access the "Advanced search" from the top right menu on the left from Preferences tab. Also, the link to advanced…

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  15. Pictures search restarted!

    More good news coming this fall!
    We have rebuilt the search for picture galleries. Enjoy the new Pictures tab. This is totally different experience than videos.
    More sites with picture galleries will be indexed soon.
    Please post your feedback here for the pictures.

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  16. 安卓 2025免费科学方法上网

    It sucks having to go to the preferences page to change this

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  17. orta of tagging system so users can identify the model

    Hey I assume people have suggested this, but you guys should try to incorporate some sort of tagging system so users can identify the models in the video or where users can add a model say if there are already 100's of videos of her say models like Venus or Zafira

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  18. Favorites crashed

    Ladies & Gentlemen, dear members of our service.

    Recently we have made a BIG mistake that lead to the loss of users favorites. We have made our best to recover 91% of data, but the remaining part is unfortunately lost. It's our fault. We're guilty.

    We hope that you will find the strength to forgive us and you will stay with us, and we promise that the situation like this will NEVER happen again, and we will only improve the comfort of using the service.

    We're sorry and appreciate your understanding and support,
    Nudevista Team.

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  19. Italian Porn Site


    suggest http://www.yuvideos.com italian porn site, upload new videos every day, thanks.

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  20. Lists for favorites section

    It would be great if people could create lists for the favorites list, like for example a list favorite anal or lesbian videos, like xvideos does.

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    电脑ssr设置方法  ·  win10搭建ssrNudevista Support (Product Manager, nudevista) responded


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